Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leadership Issues in the Digital Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership Issues in the Digital Economy - Essay Example The Digital Economy strategy focus on providing the capability to timely adoption and development of information technologies by governments, societies and businesses, and aims at the transformational impact that such technology can cause. Digital Economy strategy will combines the underlying technologies, with all other aspects needed to bring transformation. Digital economy touches on a variety of issues, encompassing general concerns like who pays for the strategy, who directs the it, as well as the valued of estimating openness as a basic principle. Digital economy also touches on concerns such as infrastructure (digital television transition, broadband networks, foreign investment and net neutrality), ability to innovate (Privacy Act, spam, lawful access, security breach disclosure), and digital content (open data, copyright reform, domain names, digitization, open access). The discussion will identify some areas of concern such as digital technologies, digital skills establishi ng a digital infrastructure, digital content and developing the ICT industry. The paper will focus on the various general issues that are significantly vital to a successful and strong digital economy strategy. Leadership is the basic requirement for any digital economy. Any country needs digital leaders, such as a Chief Technology Officer as well as the cabinet-level attention on the issue. Manufacturing, automotive, foreign investment, telecoms, competition, Statistics, consumer affairs, scientific research intellectual property and many other related issues all fall under this category. With wide scope of such digital issues, nations require a point of leadership, which has the capacity; enhance the strategy at the national level. In many countries, the trading partners have established ministerial positions with responsibility for certain digital issues. For instance, Australia has a Minister for industry, innovation, research and science, and a Minister for the digital economy, communication and broadband. The digital economy refers to a global network of economic and social undertakings that are permitted by media like the internet, mobile and sensor networks. The idea of a digital economy arose in the last decade of the 20th century. In this new economy, digital networking and communication infrastructures give a worldwide platform on which people and groups come up with strategies, interact, communicate, collaborate and search for data. For instance, a large group of digitized products such as databases, magazines, news and data, books, among others are offered over the digital setup anytime, anywhere in the universe. With increasing population and resource deployment, digital economy is not restricted to business transactions and services alone but, it also every part of life starting from health to education as well as from business to banking. The e-Government is taking its role in the digital economy by offering e-services in the different ministri es to its e-Citizens. The emergence of mobile technology has been intense. Mobile devices such as the smart phones, tablets, readers and other appliances have been more fruitful and transformed faster than many individuals anticipated. Cloud computing has continually expanded. This autonomous but related occurrence will possibly become a prominent and permanent ingredient of the digital landscape. Although there have been pressure and challenges in the recent days, they are a compulsory section of the development agenda that will

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