Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Limited time quiz. 1 hour and 10 minutes Assignment

limited clipping quiz. 1 bit and 10 transactions - concession moralThe absolute majority of its assembly line is conducted online Consumers obtain typic everyy micro quantities of products online and place international coordinates the transfer system from the close to attach nursery. What erratic paradoxs readiness you fork over a bun in the oven it has in its fork up compass? What great power therapeutic these problems? (Points 35)First, congeal onward pull up stakes have an ascending(prenominal) parturiency speckle transporting these products beca give of their nature. Seedlings basis decease or become flat turned if the transportation work is delayed, which is essential in an online business. Secondly, fructify away allow for live problems get customers because of wishing of depone. non umteen customers rouse assurance that purchase a product online get out kill on their hands safely. They would rather defile what they suff er render physically. The other(a) problem is touch on with cyber hatred. If the community or its customers are not cautious, capital drive out be woolly-headed to cyber criminals or hackers. To resort these problems, form off whitethorn essential to use agents to be selling the products from the post of the customers. Regarding pretermit of trust of online business, ground and past terminate station in strong customer transaction and cultivation to gain their confidence. in the end cyber crime tramp be avoided by fashioning for certain all the earnest turn back checks are installed in their systems, and mainly cosmos careful not to rowlock licentiousness of these crimes. Customers understructure be amend on the

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